# sample input file for dla-nd # simulation attributes particles 102000 # place up to N particles output_step 100 # write output every M particles # particle attributes, these are defaults #rad 0.005 # if you want to change the default particle size #mass 1 # or mass # all of these attributes are currently set to defaults, uncomment # AND change them, if you want to see some effect #bulk_vel 0 0 0 # particles have a bulk velocity #penetration 0.1 # fraction of overlap before a hit is registered #stickiness 1.0 # probability that a particle will stick, per hit #stub 0 # number of hits on a specific frozen particle # before it will accept any attachments (integer) grip 0.9 # after attaching, a particle will slide this # fraction of its radius toward the particle it # attached to # tree options, again, these are currently set to defaults #max_levels 50 # maximum number of levels in the tree #max_ppc 40 # maximum number of particles per cell # the seed particle's mass, location, and velocity (velocity ignored) add_part 1 0 0 0 0 # 2D #add_part 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 3D # output file options write_dot yes # image file has white pixels at particle centers write_dens yes # create density field, write it write_pgm no # write an ASCII PGM file write_png yes # write a PNG file write_part no # write raw ASCII file of particle locations write_obj no # compute connectivity, write tubular-style OBJ image_size 512 # resolution for all output images image_depth 8 # bits per pixel for images, 8 or 16